The Hindu: Kudumbashree bags digital tech awards

November 8, 2019

For projects to alleviate poverty

Use of digital technology for developments in the areas of poverty alleviation and skill development have brought recognition for the Kudumbashree mission.

Kudumbashree has bagged this year’s Governance Now Digital Transformation award for its microenterprises and Destitute-free Kerala project in the area of poverty alleviation and for the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) in the skill development segment.

The awards, instituted by the Delhi-based organisation Governance Now, were received by Kudumbashree State programme managers Suchitra S. and Leo Paul T. and State assistant programme manager Jomon K.J. from Vinit Goenka, member, governing council, Centre for Railway Information Systems.


A portal designed for reviewing all activities taken up under the DDUGKY and strengthening them fetched Kudumbashree the award, sources said.

Kudumbashree also developed a mobile application for geotagging the microenterprises functioning under it and collected all details pertaining to them so as to understand details such as production of each unit, their turnover, certifications, basic facilities and so on.

The progress achieved through geotagging in the area of microenterprises was considered for the award.

App developed

Another app developed to identify the beneficiaries of the Destitute-free Kerala project saw nearly 3 lakh families being surveyed and 1.57 lakh beneficiaries identified.

The details of the beneficiaries and all the services made available to them were also collected, not to mention including families that unexpectedly turned destitute.

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