Dear Friends,IT CELL BJP MAHARASHTRA brings in a great opportunity for citizens of Maharashtra state & young Indians to interact with charismatic leader & BJP Maharashtra State President Sri Nitin Gadkariji.Shri Nitin Gadkariji will interact with Citizens through Live Chat on Rediff. This is planned on 28th Aug,09 at 11.30am. This is a Event from the Series of ” Vision Maharashtra” with an aim to attract netizens to air their views and suggestions to Nitin Gadkariji.Please join on rediff chat to interact with Nitinji and address your querries on Maharashtra stateRequesting all netizens to join and participate in the Live chat. Requesting you to circulate this event details to all your friends, colleagues, acquaintainces.ThanksVinit GoenkaConvener-IT CELL- BJP MAHARASHTRA
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